International Conference on Industry 4.0 for
Agri-food Supply Chains: Addressing
Socio-economic and Environmental
Challenges in Ukraine
24-25 July 2023

University of Leicester School of Business (ULSB) and Poltava State Agrarian University (PSAU) cordially invite you to attend the International Conference on Industry 4.0 for Agri-food Supply Chains: Addressing Socio-economic and Environmental Challenges in Ukraine - a hybrid conference at College Court, Leicester, United Kingdom and online.

The war in Ukraine is doing untold damage to food supply chains. Food products consumed locally and exports will be under increased scrutiny for their quality and safety due to damage to infrastructure and the environment, as well as human resources issues. This conference intends to bring together relevant expertise in support of novel and innovative solutions for improved management of agri-food supply chains (resilience, sustainability, and ecological embeddedness) and to develop competitive marketing strategies via traceability for food security, safety, and quality by connecting the strategic management of socio-economic systems at national level with tactics at the supply chain level supported by Industry 4.0 technologies.

Important Dates
→ Deadline for abstract submission for oral communication:
8th June, 2023
→ Deadline for abstract submission for poster communication:
15th June, 2023
→ Deadline for submission of posters to be presented at the conference:
10th July, 2023
→ Confirmation of acceptance:
20th June, 2023
→ Registration:
10th July, 2023

Day 1 morning: Advances in Industry 4.0 technologies for agri-food supply chains
Capacity building workshop 1
Day 1 afternoon: Traceability in agri-food supply chains for resilience, sustainability, and ecological embeddedness
Capacity building workshop 2
Day 2 morning: Competitive marketing strategies for traceable agri-food supply chains enabling food security, food safety, and food quality
Capacity building workshop 3
Day 2 afternoon: Strategic management of socio-economic systems at the national level as supported by traceable agri-food supply chains
Capacity building workshop 4
Posters online and during lunch/breaks.
Link to University of Leicester research project webpage: Traceability in food supply chains for improved global and national competitiveness.